Aesa's safe space


Hai there! You have stumbled upon the NerdGrapeZone; the cozy little echo chamber of me; grape human, Aesa, the purple obsessed technerd, whatever title you've subscribed to using for me..

What can you find here you may ask? Well, you'll find me rambling on about various tech & non tech projects I have in the pipeline, you can also expect to see my collections of stuff ranging but not limited to Transformers, Squishmellows, videogames & movies, books, tech, and old software! You can also catch me rambling about cybersecurity & data privacy stuff, emulation & software preservation (I'm not afraid to condone piracy in a world where you don't own your digital goods either) or amateur writing that I do occasionally.

I am also very fond of activism, anti-capitalism, socialism, anarchism, and sticking the middle finger to police officers (ACAB!) this is 10000% a pro LGBTQIA+ space and I will protect us from bigotry.

Have a look around, I'm sure you'll find something neat here!

Feel free to contact me if you have any inquires, I'm happy to help people with troubleshooting & such, having your stuff compromised sucks and I want to educate people on prevention and do what I can for viruses & such things.

I have no idea how to HTML or CSS so expect a lot of jank!